Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sharma has launched the Amrit Brikshya Andolan program. After successful registration at, participants need to upload a photo to receive a Rs 300 financial grant through direct beneficiary transfer. Beneficiaries can complete the Amrit Brikshya Andolan Photo Upload online by visiting All permanent residents of Assam who have participated in the Amrit Brikshya Andolan can now easily upload their photos on the official website. This process is straightforward and user-friendly. Continue reading this article for more details about the scheme.
About Amrit Brikshya Andolan 2.0?
The Assam state government has launched Amrit Brikshya Andolan 2.0 to boost greenery and increase tree planting across the state. The main objective of this initiative is for Assamese citizens to collectively plant three crore seedlings. By increasing the number of trees, the government aims to significantly reduce pollution levels in the state. To encourage participation, the Assam government is offering cash incentives, with citizens potentially receiving up to INR 100 for each seedling planted. To qualify for financial support, participants must upload a selfie as proof of their involvement. It is important for applicants to follow the provided guidelines for uploading their selfies.
The objective of Amrit Brikshya Andolan
The Amrit Brikshya Andolan aims to promote and sustain a green environment in Assam through extensive tree planting. The initiative seeks to advance the green revolution by increasing the number of trees in the state. The Assam government is committed to environmental protection by encouraging widespread tree planting. Participants must upload their photos by August 15, 2024, to be eligible for a grant of INR 300. This grant is awarded to those who plant a seedling and ensure its growth over a full three years. To receive financial aid, all participants in the Amrit Brikshya Andolan must submit a selfie as proof of their involvement.
Summary of Amrit Brikshya Andolan Photo Upload
Name of the scheme | Amrit Brikshya Andolan Photo Upload |
Launched by | Assam state government |
Objective | Plant saplings |
Beneficiaries | Assam state citizens |
Official website | |
Important Date of Amrit Brikshya Andolan Photo Upload
- August 1, 2024 is the start date for uploading selfies under the Amrit Brikshya Andolan.
- August 15, 2024, is the deadline for uploading a selfie under the Amrit Brikshya Andolan.
Benefits of Amrit Brikshya Andolan 2.0
- Planting trees and preserving Assam’s green environment are the goals of the Amrit Brikshya Andolan.
- Amrit Brikshya Andolan’s primary objective is to improve the state’s tree-planting and green revolution efforts.
- By planting more trees, the Assamese state administration hopes to preserve the ecosystem.
- Photo uploading deadline for Amrit Brikshya Andolan is August 15, 2024.
- For designs that plant a seedling and watch it grow for a full three years, a grant of INR 300 will be awarded.
Amrit Brikshya Andolan Photo Upload 2024-25 at Portal
STEP 1: Those who have already enrolled for the program may now upload their Amrit Brikshya Andolan photo by going to, the official ABA website.
STEP 2: The candidate must select the “Login” option once they have reached the official website’s homepage.
Step 3: The candidate needs to click on the “Generate OTP” option after entering their mobile number.
Step 4: After registering a mobile number, the applicant must input the OTP they received and select the “login” option.
Step 5: The applicant needs to click on the upload photo option when a dashboard appears on your screen.
Step 6: In order to finish the application process, the candidate needs to upload their photo and select the “Submit” option.
Amrit Brikshya Andolan Photo Upload through Mobile App
STEP 1: Go to the Play Store and download the Amrit Brikshya Andolan application if you’re an Assamese citizen and would like to upload images using the mobile app.
STEP 2: The applicant needs to launch the application and select the login option after downloading it.
STEP 3: After the application page loads on your screen, users must select the “Login” option after entering their password and mobile number.
Step 4: The applicant needs to select the upload photo option from the home screen after successfully registering in.
STEP 5: The applicant can finish the process by clicking the submit button after choosing their photo.
Download Amrit Brikshya Andolan Mobile App
STEP 1: Go to the Play Store and search for Amrit Brikshya Andolan Mobile App. Then click on the install option.
Step 2: then download the Amrit Brikshya Andolan application if you’re an Assamese citizen and would like to upload images using the mobile app.
STEP 3: The applicant needs to launch the application and select the login option after downloading it.
Contact details
What is Amrit Brikshya Andolan?
Assam’s chief minister, Himanta Biswa Sharma, launched the Amrit Brikshya Andolan program. The Assam state government announces the start of Amrit Brikshya Andolan 2.0 to increase greenery and plant more trees in the state.
What are the motives of this scheme?
The primary goal of this initiative is for Assamese citizens to plant three crore seedlings in total. The government of Assam can considerably lower pollution levels in the state by planting more trees.
What is the last date to fill application?
August 15, 2024, is the deadline for uploading a selfie under the Amrit Brikshya Andolan.